Dear Friends,
"DJ Satan" played music after our concert in a night club called "Klub Madness" in Wroclaw, Poland and the club lived up to its name! The stage was very small, but somehow we managed to creatively fit all our gear on to it. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Andrew who is 24 was brought by his girlfriend to the No Longer Music Send Off show on July 23rd in Minneapolis, USA. Shortly after the concert began he started feeling “something welling up” inside him. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
The church you could see from our old apartment in Amsterdam was surrounded by houses of prostitution and sex shops and it was often closed on Sunday morning. Most nights you could see junkies shooting up heroin in the narrow alleyways by the church. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
God moved powerfully during our first Evangelistic Concert in Krögis, Gemany at our new International Center on May 8th. Ben Pierce – our son and on staff at the Radical Missionary Training School - spoke after the concert and told the young people listening that they needed to surrender their lives to Jesus and follow Him totally. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Amanda was born in Wales and before the age of two was abandoned by her mother. Her father, a former US Marine, had similar intentions but was beaten to the task. Left with no choice, he stuck it out and raised Amanda and her sister on his own. Soon, Amanda’s uncle paid for her family to move to the US; life wasn’t going to be getting any easier. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
On May 9th, I will be preaching in Polaryie Zori in northwestern Russia (east of Northern Finland), a place so polluted that it has been described as hell on earth. Miku Taivaanlahja, a Steiger missionary based in Helsinki, Finland, told me that living near Chernobyl would be healthier. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Since 2005, I have been a member of No Longer Music and I’ve seen people find Jesus in some really “dark” places, including Muslims in Southern Turkey and atheists in punk nightclubs in Europe. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
In August of last year our ministry No Longer Music did an evangelistic concert in the center of Helsinki, Finland. We performed during the "Night of Art" in front of hundreds of alternative students, goths, punks and metal kids. I went for a prayer walk before the concert and saw that all the corners of the buildings were used as a toilet and there were streams of urine on the sidewalks from all the drunken people. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
For no reason, the sister of the young leader we are supporting in a Middle Eastern city was thrown in prison. (Because this is a sensitive issue I can’t go into the details of this.) He had just spent all night with a lawyer to get her free before we arrived. The pressure in this city is intense and everything is a battle. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Many drunken anarchists came to try and stop our meeting the last time Michael Sengle and I spoke in Genthin, East Germany. One of the punks who came to cause trouble that night was Daniel. The meeting was held in an old abandoned train station and while we preached people shouted and cursed. Despite all the mocking and chaos, we invited the crazy audience to come to the front and give their lives to Jesus. God moved powerfully that night and Daniel was one of those who came to the front along with about 60 others to surrender his life to God. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Yusaf gave his life to Jesus five months ago during one of the meetings Aaron and I had on a speaking tour earlier this year in Finland. He is in an art school in Helsinki for commercial photographers, graphic artists and other kinds of fine art. He told us there is a huge spiritual vacuum that exists in the art scene in Helsinki that has led to moral decadence that was shocking to him even before he found God. Sexual orgies and every kind of sick expression is explored because of this spiritual emptiness. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Our robotic coffin that demonstrates how Jesus rose from the dead was right up to the edge of the stage, but I didn’t realize this when I stepped out because of all the stage smoke and lights. I lost my balance and fell straight down off the stage, falling backwards. Somehow I managed not to get severely injured but I did get a huge bruise on my leg. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
My Muslim body guard rushed to my side when the electricity suddenly went out. There were people in the audience from radical Islamic parts of the city and he was concerned for my safety but I felt God’s presence so strongly I knew I had nothing to fear. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Despite the Swine Flu, threats of blacklists and other challenges, our newly designed high-tech coffin (which shows the resurrection of Jesus) and other stage props are being driven overland to our shipper in New York City. From there it will be flown by cargo plane to the Middle East for our evangelistic concert on August 1st. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Just recently, I stayed in a room that looked down on a Middle Eastern city where in some neighborhoods the houses are riddled with bullet holes from street fights. The young couple I was staying with opened their hearts to me. “We are alone. Please help us,” they said. “We are so tired and feel like we are crawling on the ground. We can’t stand alone!” Download pdf
Dear Friends,
The last time I was in this city* with our band No Longer Music, fist fights broke out in the crowd. Some people wanted to harm us and others came to our defense. My band had to hide so they wouldn’t be attacked by the armed mob that was plotting to incite a riot against us. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
During my New Zealand speaking tour I have seen tough young inner city kids, university students and "normal" middle-aged men and women fall to their knees and give their lives to Jesus for the first time. Many others have rededicated their lives to Jesus and declared publically that they are willing to be sent into God's service. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
I first met Cocke three years ago in a warehouse where my band was playing in Santiago, Chile. He was searching for God, but he didn't know who Jesus was yet. He was in a secular Chilean metal band and was helping us with our sound. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Sami, who has his own pop music TV program in Saudi Arabia, picked us up at the airport and took us to our hotel at around 4:00 am. We had heard rumors that I was blacklisted but I was able to clear customs without any problem. Thank you for your prayers about this! Download pdf
Dear Friends,
We will not know until we go through customs if we are blacklisted. Our contacts can’t find anything out. It could be that only Jodi will be able to get through customs at the airport.
The guy who opposes us coming is saying that my name is on a governmental “black list” because of the near riot that broke out when we were there last year. Our contact says he acts totally irrationally and that he said “If David gets into the country I am going to call the security forces”. Download pdf