International Newsletter May 2009
Dear Friends,
During my New Zealand speaking tour I have seen tough young inner city kids, university students and "normal" middle-aged men and women fall to their knees and give their lives to Jesus for the first time. Many others have rededicated their lives to Jesus and declared publically that they are willing to be sent into God's service. Download pdf
In fact, sometimes the entire church would respond. God moved powerfully even when I felt like my preaching or message wasn't that great! So, thank you for your prayers.
I also ran an Evangelistic Artists Seminar in Tauranga, New Zealand. This is a seminar I give all over the world to encourage young artists to boldly bring Jesus into the secular marketplace. Eighty people attended the seminar from all over the country and, as a result, some are considering attending our Missions School next year near Dresden, Germany. The purpose of this school is to send out radical creative evangelistic church planting teams all over the world. Pray that God seals what He did in the hearts of those who responded during the Evangelistic Artists Seminar.The Radical Missions School in New Zealand is nearly finished. Thirty three students from eight countries have attended this school and now they are praying with Jodi and her team about what to do next. Pray that God gives them clear direction as they make important decisions about what ministry they should be a part of in the future.
I will be in the Middle East May 26-29 to meet with key people there about our upcoming evangelistic concerts in August. It is our plan to begin a church in a night club in the center of the city after the tour. After that I will be going with my son Aaron to Finland for a speaking tour from May 31st-June 8th. This is also in preparation for our tour in August and to support the new Steiger ministry in Helsinki.
Please pray for sponsors for this upcoming evangelistic church planting tour in August. I believe the opportunities we have now are precious and we need to go through the doors opened for us now because they could close in the future - especially with the insecurity in the world today. Now more than ever we need to boldly proclaim the truth.
Thank you so much for "holding up our arms" and helping us bring the love of Jesus to so many.For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International
Prayer requests:
- Pray that God speaks clearly to the students in the Radical Missions School about what ministry they should be a part of after the school.
- Pray that Jesus gives me safe travels to the Middle East in May. Pray that God protects the team there and that this new church will be established. Pray that no political or religious faction will stop it, because this new church could impact the whole region.
- Pray for a powerful speaking tour in Finland. That God really gives Aaron and I his guidance in every meeting. Also pray for God's protection over Mihau as he leads the new ministry in Helsinki.
- Pray for financial breakthroughs!!! We need sponsors for the upcoming evangelistic tour and a new van for the base in Karlsruhe, Germany.
- We urgently need a director for a work we are helping in Delhi, India. It is a ministry that helps the destitute and dying on the streets of Delhi. We have the people to do the work in the rescue community centers but we need someone gifted to play the role of the director. At the moment we have someone willing to do this until we find that person but this is only a temporary solution. This is a VERY urgent need.
- Pray for all our teams around the world that they can boldly preach the gospel.