Dear Friends,
Six months ago, during our evangelistic tour in the Middle East, hundreds of young people , including many Islamic young people, heard who Jesus is for the first time. Many came forward to make a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ. But it didn't come without a fight. During one concert the team was taunted and threatened with violence. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
While Michael and I were preparing to speak a guy came in with his face covered with a black scarf and dark sunglasses. He kind of looked like a terrorist but I thought that maybe it was just a "fashion statement". Download pdf
Dear Friends,
Sandro Baggio is the leader of Steiger Brazil and the pastor of a church located in a very dangerous area of São Paulo. The church is near a squatter area of old apartment blocks occupied by drug dealers and gangs. Download pdf
Dear Friends,
We were a two hour drive from Iraq in a radical Muslim stronghold in southeastern Turkey. The father of the promoter of this event was a Muslim cleric. In this town there were 3 major terrorist cells present and there were no known Christians in the whole region. Download pdf to read more.
We were a two hour drive from Iraq in a radical Muslim stronghold in southeastern Turkey. The father of the promoter of this event was a Muslim cleric. In this town there were 3 major terrorist cells present and there were no known Christians in the whole region. Download pdf to read more.
“Hi, I want to thank you that I could hear you speak. The lectures you gave for women really moved me and the No Longer Music concert touched the deepest parts of my heart. Download pdf to read more.