
News, Stories and Events

International Newsletter August 2009

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Despite the Swine Flu, threats of blacklists and other challenges, our newly designed high-tech coffin (which shows the resurrection of Jesus) and other stage props are being driven overland to our shipper in New York City. From there it will be flown by cargo plane to the Middle East for our evangelistic concert on August 1st. Download pdf

NLM concertThe city where this concert will be held is in a very strategic part of the Middle East and the artists and musicians in the city are excited and anxious for our arrival. Our courageous local team is preparing a night club that we have rented in the city center for the new church that we plan to start after the concert. I talked with the leader of our Middle Eastern team today on the phone and he told me that he has received threats of physical violence from someone who was angry about our concert and that they had demanded that he cancel the concert. But he told me that he refused and that he was able to “buy him off” by giving him 50 tickets to the concert!

My team will be praying for two days to prepare ourselves before we leave for Frankfurt, Germany on our way to the Middle East on July 29th. A 55 year old sound engineer who has worked with Pink Floyd, Genesis and Bob Marley is meeting us in Frankfurt to join the tour. He is a new Christian and feels like he was “born to go on this tour” and that he “wants to mix sound for Jesus.”

Response after a NLM concert in Croatia in 2008At the same time two men from New Zealand have flown to Germany to drive a van from Germany through Syria to meet us in the Middle East. After the evangelistic concerts are finished there, they will drive again back through Syria to our concert venues in Croatia and then onto Finland. They felt like God was asking them to do this and that they had the courage to drive through Syria which many others who had considered doing this job did not.
On Friday 24 July we had a send off show and silent auction in Minneapolis to raise support for the tour. We still needed US$25,000and I had put the shipping costs and other airfares on my credit card, wondering how we would pay for it all. But God did amazing things and we received US$21,000 in gifts for the tour that night.

I know that God is behind this tour and I am convinced that this new church will be planted in the Middle East. I also have faith that a new base will be established in Croatia and our full-time Steiger work in Finland will be firmly established. I know that it will not be easy, but we are full of faith and ready to go.

Please visit this website regularly and check real time updates or on the No Longer Music Tour Blog. Please also consider signing up for the 24 hour prayer chain. We can not do this without your prayers.

Route for NLM van drivers

Thank you for your love and support

For the lost,

David & Jodi Pierce

Praise Report:

God provided US$21,000 at our send off show on Friday 24 July. We only need US$4000 to fully meet all of our tour needs. Thank you to all of you who gave sacrificially to make this happen. I am so humbled by your support.

Prayer Needs:

  1. Pray for our promoters and local teams in the Middle East, Croatia and Finland - that God protects them and gives them favor with city officials and the media. Pray for good weather for the outdoor shows and that God puts His angels around the stage and keeps people away that would come to cause trouble.
  2. Pray that there is a great response and that hundreds come to Jesus. Pray that we have wisdom on how to support those who respond in the Middle East and that the new church is firmly established.
  3. Pray for me and my team that we can be bold and courageous for Jesus and that everyone stays healthy and safe. Pray for team unity and wisdom in every situation.
  4. Pray that I will know how I should end each concert, the message I should preach and the best way to have people respond.
  5. Pray that all of our gear clears customs easily in the Middle East and for the drivers who will be taking it in the van back through Syria, that they will have no problems with any border crossings and that the van doesn’t break down.
  6. So please pray that all those involved in Steiger and our local teams will boldly preach the gospel.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to

More News:
No Longer Music
Evangelistic Church Planting Tour 2009

The No Longer Music team, representing nations from all over the world (Brazil, England, New Zealand, Australia, Poland and the USA) has just completed their rehearsals in Minneapolis for the 2009 Evangelistic Church Planting Tour. Please keep the team in your prayers as they spend the month of August on tour. Pray for creativity, productivity, unity amongst the team, wisdom, protection and that they would be led by the Holy Spirit and filled with God’s anointing. Check out the official 2009 NLM Tour website for information on:

  • Becoming a prayer partner (join our 24-hour prayer chain!)
  • Following the tour on twitter, the official blog and facebook
  • How to make a donation towards the remaining US$4,000 that we still need to raise
  • Anything else related to the tour


6 April - 20 May 2010
Near Dresden, Germany

Is God challenging you to go deeper in your commitment to Him, to be willing to take the next step of obedience, no matter where it takes you and what it demands from you? Your next step may be to join us somewhere around the world in bringing people to Jesus. Consider coming to the 2010 Steiger Radical Missions Training School (normally held in New Zealand) which will be held this year near Dresden, Germany.

The school, led by David and Jodi Pierce, provides students with strong spiritual and practical foundations necessary for a lifetime of radical service. Other Steiger leaders from around the world also give teach on a variety of topics, including radical discipleship, creative evangelism, church planting, understanding your personal calling.

For more information check out our website under “Get Involved

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International Newsletter September 2009
International Newsletter July 2009










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