International Newsletter June 2009
Dear Friends,
The last time I was in this city* with our band No Longer Music, fist fights broke out in the crowd. Some people wanted to harm us and others came to our defense. My band had to hide so they wouldn’t be attacked by the armed mob that was plotting to incite a riot against us. Download pdf
But despite this and other threats of being “black listed” we have seen Jesus move in unbelievable ways. I am convinced that nothing will be able to stop what God wants us to do there.
As I write this I am preparing for another trip to this city in a couple of days to meet with key people. We will be praying together and making preparations for the first leg of our Evangelistic Church Planting tour with No Longer Music later this year. After the tour we hope to begin a church in a neutral secular venue somewhere in the center of the city.
This city is the “Vegas” of the Muslim world and a popular place for young people to come and party from all over the Middle East. That is why I believe this new church will not only reach the countless disenfranchised young people in the city but could impact the entire Gulf Arab region. We have an international Steiger team coming while the tour is taking place to work with the local team already assembled to help plant this new church.
Also during this time, we will be sending a small pioneering team to Northern Iraq to do some evangelistic outreach and plan for a more extensive outreach in the future. Our contact in Northern Iraq is a former Kurdish Guerrilla who saw No Longer Music perform last year in eastern Turkey. He caught the vision for our ministry and was excited about the possibility of reaching the Kurdish people for Christ in Iraq. Please pray for boldness, protection and new opportunities to reach the Kurdish people of Northern Iraq.
I can not exaggerate how much we need your prayer support. This area is a spiritual “hot bed” and Satan does not want Jesus to be lifted up because people are sick of religious fascists and hungry to know God. I think we will see an enormous response because of this. We are forming a 24-hour prayer team. Please see this year’s NLM tour page for more details on how you can commit to pray for one hour a week throughout the duration of the tour.
After my meetings in the Middle East, I will be traveling to Finland where I will meet my son Aaron. We will do a speaking tour in churches and make preparations for our evangelistic tour with No Longer Music in Finland in late August. We will also be meeting with Mihau who leads the local Steiger team in Helsinki. So please pray that God protects all those involved in Steiger and the local teams. Also pray that we can boldly preach the gospel.
Consider if God would want you to help sponsor part of this tour. We still need (in US dollars):
1. $2,000 for each evangelistic concert in the Middle Eastern City (total of $8,000)
2. $5,000 to cover rehearsals in June (practical and spiritual preparation)
3. $10,000 for flights
4. $10,000 to cover the shipping and transportation of our equipment
5. $10,000 for emergency/contingency funds
You can make an online donation by visiting
Thank you for your financial support and prayers.
P.S. If you are in the Minneapolis area (or even if you’re not), you are invited to attend the No Longer Music Dress Rehearsal Show at Grace Church in Eden Prairie on July 24. There will also be a “silent auction” with 100% of the proceeds going to support the NLM tour. Contact Aaron at for more information.
* Due to opposition we may face in this country, I am intentionally remaining unspecific about the city or country that this is taking place in.
For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International
Prayer requests:
Pray for Michael Sengle, Steiger Germany base leader, who is looking for a potential property for our new Steiger base outside Dresden, Germany. This will be the headquarters for the International Evangelistic Artists Association, the Missions School in 2010 and a place where secular people can come for contemplative retreats and find out who Jesus is. We have an international team that is ready to move to Dresden to establish this work and people are already applying for the 2010 mission school.
- Pray for the upcoming “Rock & Roll Evangelistic Circus” that will be touring the Black Forest in Germany from 25 May – 7 June.
- Pray for the Steiger Minneapolis team led by Mark Johnson that is working in a large hippie gathering in the USA (21 June – 7 July).
Pray for the SLOT Art Festival in Poland that will also be happening from 8-11 July. Last year 5,000 people came to the festival and hundreds came to Jesus for the first time. Pray for good weather and for God’s anointing on all that takes place.
- Pray for Jodi & Kate as they work with all the students that have just completed the Radical Missions School in New Zealand. Most of the 33 students who attended the school are planning on working with Steiger somewhere in the world. Pray that God protects them as they make preparations to enter the mission field!
- Pray for Sandro Baggio and his family, who leads the Steiger work in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Where they live now is very dangerous and would be great if they could be in a safer neighborhood closer to the church.
So please pray that all those involved in Steiger and our local teams will boldly preach the gospel. If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to