The war in Eastern Ukraine has caused a lot of suffering, fear and insecurity. The people there desperately need hope!
We know that Jesus is the only hope for our broken world!
Despite it's natural beauty, New Zealand ranks as one of the most secular countries on the planet with some of the highest rates of domestic abuse, gang violence, and teen suicide.
"I think I'm ready. What time is your church prayer, mass, meeting or whatever you call it?" This was the message, Alex, one of our Steiger Brasil team members received from a well known São Paulo rock musician.
Misha grew up in a poor family in a small town in Belarus (between Russia and Poland) called Bobruisk. His father was an alcoholic and he spent his time on the streets as a bully. He was constantly in fights and in trouble with the police.
Despite it’s stunning beauty, New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world and cutting (self harm) is now epidemic among young people there. Our Steiger New Zealand team recently ran a photographic exhibition called “Diaries of Despair” in Tauranga, New Zealand.
Artem is a 22 year old, award winning break dance champion from Zaporozhzhye, Ukraine. He wanted to use his ability for something more meaningful. So this summer he came to the Steiger Missions School in Germany to learn how to use his God-given talent as a tool for sharing the Gospel.
This summer, 55 students from all over the world (Spain, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Brazil, Portugal and USA) attended our Steiger Missions School (SMS) in Krögis, Germany. The school is designed to train and equip people to reach the secularized global youth culture for Jesus.
Busra, a 20 year old muslim girl, was mesmerized by the No Longer Music show she saw in her city of Manavgat, Turkey. She was the first to raise her hand when I asked who wanted to know more about following Jesus.
With the current geopolitical situation, the No Longer Music tour to Ukraine was never certain. The increased difficulty in crossing borders and obtaining permissions meant potentially all the effort and expense of heading there could be for nothing.
God has been moving powerfully through the No Longer Music tour. Thank you so much for your prayers! Last month we had a stretch of 10 concerts in 11 days in Poland. During this time, thousands heard the Gospel message and hundreds responded by praying to receive Jesus.
Paige Slighter (lead actress in the NLM team) talked to a girl called Monica after a No Longer Music concert in Jastrzbie Zdroj, Poland last month. Early in the conversation Monica said she did not believe in God and looked very angry.
Last month, my band "No Longer Music" performed a concert at Sterling College - a university in Kansas (USA). After the show, many young university students came forward and surrendered their lives to Jesus!
I first met Cocke in 2005 while we were on tour in Santiago, Chile. He was in a secular Chilean metal band. After one of our meetings, Cocke fell on his knees and gave his life to Jesus because he saw that Jesus was not just a bunch of words, but that he was powerful! Since then his life has been totally transformed.
Ukraine is in a historic time of revolution.
A few days ago Jodi and I were talking to Denis and Angela Tkachenko, the leaders of the Steiger work in Ukraine. They told us that the politicians that were in power in their country are criminals and completely corrupt.