By Aaron Pierce on Monday, 06 June 2022
Category: Stories

Sharing Jesus with Three Young Gender Non-Binary People at a Protest in Sacramento

Sarah wore a rainbow colored "RESIST" t-shirt with an equal sign.

She was attending a "pro-choice" protest on the steps of the Sacramento Capitol building with her friends, Charlie and Anne (not their real names.) Each of them identify as gender non-binary and are active in a local drag queen scene. 

The atmosphere at the protest was very tense as angry shouts were exchanged with a group of “pro-life” protestors nearby. 

It was in that context, that our Steiger team, led by Filipe Machado, met Sarah and her friends. 

The small Steiger team sparked a conversation using a simple sign that invited each of them to share what the Roe v Wade decision meant to them. As Filipe and others on the team asked questions and dug deeper, they realized that behind the anger and hostility was a lot of hurt. 

Note: Steiger is strongly pro-life in our beliefs. Read more about what we believe Here.

Sarah, Anne, and Charlie each shared vulnerable, raw, and deeply personal stories of pain they had experienced growing up, including painful experiences with the church. 

Beneath their seemingly intense moral convictions, this is a generation that is actually very confused and broken. They are longing for deep relational connection and purpose. 

That is why our team chose to go to the protest that day. They wanted to connect with young people who might NEVER walk into a church.

As the conversation progressed, the Steiger team was able to share that their pain mattered. Filipe shared that as a follower of Jesus, he believes that the root of our problems is not political, but spiritual. He explained that God is not indifferent to our suffering, and that Jesus' death on the cross is proof of that. 

At the end of the conversation, the Steiger team was able to pray for Sarah, Charlie, and Anne. They were visibly moved, eagerly exchanged contact information, and have continued to stay in contact since then. 

Please pray for Sarah, Anne, and Charlie… and the millions of other young people like them who desperately need to meet Jesus! 

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