International Newsletter September 2017
It was an incredible summer. God met with us. The power of God came and we are changed.
Dresden, Leipzig or Amsterdam, God showed us what it felt like to have our hearts broken for people who don’t know Him and to speak boldly about what He has done in our lives.
We had a group of students who are serious about following Jesus, no matter where that takes them.
Here are just a few of them:
Joysanna from New Zealand: Only 19 years old, but a fearless street preacher, a radical follower of the teachings of Jesus, and young leader who already is committed to following God anywhere He calls her.
Dima from Minsk, Belarus: A gifted musician and young leader. He will go back to Minsk and take over the leadership of the 6pm Bible study that is a follow up model that Steiger uses all over the Russian-speaking world.
Rute from Lisbon, Portugal: An anointed organizer, bold and driven in coming up with a plan and intensely focused in getting it done. Her plan is to see the people of Portugal brought to Jesus.
George from Beirut, Lebanon: God has given him a sharp mind to wrestle with the difficult questions of life. But he has also learned the power of walking alongside a body of like-minded believers. Now back in his home country of Lebanon, he has rejoined the Steiger team and is putting into use the things he learned in the SMS17.
As part of the school, we held a massive week-long evangelistic outreach on the streets of Amsterdam with our students and volunteers. We saw many people pray on the streets and give their lives to Jesus.
Check out the Amsterdam outreach report, including the summary videos, here:
The SMS is not just a school of theory. Our goal is to let God thoroughly transform our lives and then ask Him to use us to bring that same transformation to everyone around us.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Jodi Pierce
SMS Spiritual Director
Two Steiger Mission School in 2018
SMS 1: April 27 - July 3
SMS 2: July 27 - October 2
For the first time ever, there will be TWO separate Steiger Missions Schools in 2018.
Both schools will take place at the Steiger International Center in Krögis, Germany and they will be identical in content and structure.
The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
Applications for both schools open on October 1, 2017.
More information: