By Super User on Sunday, 01 November 2009
Category: News

International Newsletter November 2009

Dear Friends,

Yusaf gave his life to Jesus five months ago during one of the meetings Aaron and I had on a speaking tour earlier this year in Finland. He is in an art school in Helsinki for commercial photographers, graphic artists and other kinds of fine art. He told us there is a huge spiritual vacuum that exists in the art scene in Helsinki that has led to moral decadence that was shocking to him even before he found God. Sexual orgies and every kind of sick expression is explored because of this spiritual emptiness. Download pdf

One of the things that the students have are huge theme parties that the entire college comes to. For example, they will have a communist party and everyone will come dressed like communists. During the party they will have real communists come and speak to them.

So we are planning early next year to have a “Christian Night” and where everyone will come dressed up like “Christians” and we will speak to them about what it means to be a follower of Jesus! Yusof said that if we do this, they would really listen respectfully to what we have to say. This is an opportunity to bring Jesus to an entire scene that has great influence in the entire Nordic region and is totally unreached with the Gospel. So pray that God protects this idea and we are able to organize a “Christian Night”.

I am writing this newsletter in São Paulo, Brazil where Jodi and I are meeting with Sandro & Mara Baggio, the leaders of Steiger in South America. Jodi is speaking to the women from Sandro’s church while we are here as well as meeting with some Steiger Missionaries that support a work in the city that works in an area called “Garbage Mouth”. Garbage Mouth is an infamous part of São Paulo where we have seen young children, only 5 or 6 years old, smoking crack cocaine - an urban hell where the team go on the streets and try and rescue as many as they can.

A few days earlier Jodi, Sandro and I were on a National Television program for one hour that was transmitted throughout Brazil and Europe. During the program, we are able to testify to how there are no closed doors for the Gospel and how much God’s heart is broken for the lost.
I would really appreciate your prayers for my health. I developed shingles on my neck and head a few weeks ago. It is mostly gone now but I still am not back to normal and it takes away my concentration and energy - something I really need with our busy schedule.

Thank you so much for your love and support! Literally thousands of lost and broken young people are hearing for the first time that Jesus loves them because of your faithfulness.

For the lost,
David Pierce
Steiger International

Other News and Prayer Needs

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to

David and Jodi Pierce - European Speaking Tours

In November, David and Jodi will be speaking in various locations in England, Germany France and Finland.

For more information on these speaking tours, go to our website and look under Calendar.

Steiger Intercessory Prayer Team
We are establishing Intercessory Prayer Team's in the Twin Cities (MN), Des Moines (IA) and Sioux Falls (SD). We need people who will come along side of us in prayer as we, together, seek to reach the lost people of our world for Jesus. We believe in the power of prayer and that it is an absolutely essential and non-negotiable foundation of our relationship with Christ and the ministry He calls us into. We believe that any significant move of God begins with prayer.

These Intercessory Prayer Team's will meet once a month to pray for Steiger's missionaries, ministries and opportunities/needs around the world. We need people to lead each one of these local teams and help facilitate the meetings. Would you consider leading (or co-leading) a team in your area? Would you consider becoming a committed member of one of these Intercessory Prayer Teams?
Please contact Aaron Pierce at for more information or to volunteer to be part of one of these vitally important teams.

6 April - 20 May 2010
Near Dresden, Germany
Is God challenging you to go deeper in your commitment to Him, to be willing to take the next step of obedience, no matter where it takes you and what it demands from you? Your next step may be to join us somewhere around the world in bringing people to Jesus. Consider coming to the 2010 Steiger Radical Missions Training School (normally held in New Zealand) which will be held this year near Dresden, Germany.

The school, led by David and Jodi Pierce, provides students with strong spiritual and practical foundations necessary for a lifetime of radical service. Other Steiger leaders from around the world also give teach on a variety of topics, including radical discipleship, creative evangelism, church planting, understanding your personal calling.

For more information check out our website under “Get Involved” or just Click Here


1 March - 13 June 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
If you have been looking for an opportunity to spend purposeful, quality time with God apart from your familiar environment, then Fuel is the Discipleship Training School for you.

High powered and intense, Fuel is designed to help you fill up on what you need for your Christian life, while giving you the opportunity to go out and put what you learn into immediate practice - all that in just 3 1/2 months!

For more information check out: HYPERLINK ""
Enquiries can be made to: or by calling +49 721 830 6200

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