International Newsletter June 2022
Annahita was raised in a strict Muslim family in Iran.
But by 2019, she’d moved to Amsterdam and adopted a “build-your-own” spirituality - an increasingly common choice among the Global Youth Culture today.
For Annahita, it was a mixture of Islam, Buddhism, and New Age ideology. Really, she was searching for truth. So when she encountered a group of Steiger Missions School students doing outreach on the streets of Amsterdam, she was open.
Carolina, a then SMS student, now Steiger missionary in Houston (USA), struck up a conversation with her.Despite her Muslim background, Annahita willingly accepted prayer.
“I believe that Jesus wants you to know how much He loves you. He loves you so much that He died for you.”
Annahita had never heard these words before. But Carolina spoke them with such conviction. She even prayed for her right there on the street, that she would have an encounter with God.
Moved, Annahita asked how she could learn more about Jesus. Carolina connected her with Diana - a part of our Steiger Pioneer team based in Amsterdam.
A few days later, the girls met up for some donuts and spiritual discussion.
Annahita still didn’t believe in Jesus as God, but she was open to exploring further conversations. Over the next few months, Diana and Annahita stayed in touch with each other, messaging back and forth over social media and developing a friendship.
The friendship was a lifeline for Annahita. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and was suffering from anxiety and depression. Eventually, she shared this with Diana and asked her for prayer. Diana prayed for Annahita - not only that she’d find peace and comfort, but that she would feel the love of Jesus and know that He is God.Annahita accepted Diana’s gift of a copy of the New Testament even though she had no understanding of what it was..
A few weeks later, they met in person. Annahita was bursting with excitement. Since asking for prayer, she had been experiencing an overwhelming feeling of love and kindness, and she understood that it was the Lord personally revealing Himself to her. “Jesus is God!” She said with confidence, “And He’s close to me.”
Over the next two years, Annahita read the Bible Diana had given her, and met with Diana over video calls for spiritual discussions. They began praying together over many of these calls, developing a true discipleship relationship.
Finally, Annahita couldn’t deny that she had found the Truth she’d been so desperately searching for. She asked Diana to lead her through a prayer of salvation over video call so she could follow Jesus.
On February 6th of this year, Annahita was baptized in her new church in Amsterdam. She invited all of her non-Christian friends to come to the church service with her that day and celebrate! Those friends have continued going to church with her, searching for the root of Annahita’s incredible transformation.

Annahita was baptized in the church Diana and the Pioneer Team partnered with in Amsterdam.
Since coming into contact with Jesus, Annahita's life has made a complete 180: from a strict Muslim, to a "pick-and-mix spiritualist," to a sold out and proud follower of Christ. "To listen to her talk about how she loves Jesus is gold," says Diana.
This is the mission of Steiger: To introduce people like Annahita to Jesus and the message of the Cross, the only Hope for our world.
Thank you for your prayers and support that make this possible!