
News, Stories and Events

International Newsletter December 2012

Luke GreenwoodThe Guarulhos boys!

In early 2011, I was sharing at "Projeto 242" - the Steiger church in São Paulo. At the end of the meeting, a group of guys (Moah, Alex, Felipe and Robson), who were clearly part of the hardcore scene, approached me to say how they had appreciated the message. "We have a band, and we want to talk about Jesus like that in our music", said Moah.

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Bible studySo I asked them what church they were from, but they answered "Well, we don't really go to church, and we don't know much about the Bible, but we like this message!" I explained that if they wanted to talk about Jesus they had to know him first. So Moah said "Can you come and teach us about Jesus?"

That's the question every missionary wants to hear!

I turned up at their next band rehearsal. All their friends were there to watch. Once they had finished rehearsing, Moah gave me a microphone and asked me to preach! That's how a bible study started in Guarulhos, São Paulo, for this post-hardcore band and all their friends.

The bible study has been going on for almost 2 years now. During the first year, many made serious commitments to Jesus and joined Projeto 242. They were baptized in our special baptistery (a bath tub).

Radical Missionary School 2012These guys were serious about their faith right from the beginning. They got involved in anything they could at church and in Steiger. They preached the gospel at every show they did as a band, and eventually ended up coming to the Steiger Radical Missions School in Germany this year. Now they are back in São Paulo, fully involved in the Steiger team, and forming a new band with the purpose of proclaiming the gospel in the secular scene.

Moah, Alex, Felipe and Robson are now members of "Platform" (Steiger's Association of Evangelistic Artists). Platform exists to identify, train and release Christian artists and musicians as missionaries to boldly use their God-given talent and platform to proclaim the Gospel outside the church culture. Steiger's goal is to develop 100 trained and equipped members of Platform. These members will eventually proclaim the Gospel to at least 1 million young people annually and, by God’s power, thousands will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Projeto 242Luke Greenwood
Steiger Brazil

Steiger Radical Missions School

Steiger has a ten-week missionary training school in Krögis, Germany every summer (June 15 - August 23, 2013). This school is for committed followers of Jesus who feel called to missions. It covers Steiger’s core values and principles, and is focused on seeking God and reaching the lost. This school is a prerequisite for those who want to be official members of Platform and Steiger International.

The 10-week school places a great emphasis on seeking God in a contemplative setting and provides students with the strong spiritual and practical foundations necessary for a lifetime of missionary service. Steiger leaders and missionaries from around the globe provide examples of "real life" missionary work, teaching on a wide range of topics and introduce students to Steiger's mission, vision, values and leadership structure.

In addition to lectures, the school includes regular hands-on local evangelistic outreach, international outreach, corporate prayer and worship, individual mentorship, personal time for seeking God and more. See for more information.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for David Pierce who is in the middle of an intense speaking tour of Brazil.
  • Pray for Sandro Baggio and Luke and Ania Greenwood - the leaders of Steiger Brazil.
  • Pray for more people to be trained and become members of Steiger's ministry "Platform".
  • Pray for wisdom and God's guidance for Steiger's work in the Middle East.
  • Pray for the renovations that are happening at Steiger's International Training Center in Krögis, Germany.
  • Pray that we will receive funding that we have applied for from the EU for more renovations.
  • Pray for the $338,000 needed to purchase a fully equipped mobile stage truck for No Longer Music in Europe and the Middle East.

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Radical Missionary School 2013

International Newsletter January 2013
International Newsletter November 2012










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