Krögis, Germany

Germany Vision Trip
July 11-14, 2024

International Gathering in Krögis, Germany

Experience the vision, mission, and values of Steiger alongside our global Steiger family. You will come away with crucial insights into the globalized culture in which we live. You can expect to be inspired with how Steiger is relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church. You will also have time with some of our key mission leaders to hear their hearts and have the opportunity to ask questions.

What to Expect:

  • Arrive at the Steiger International Center in Krögis, Germany on Thursday July 11.
  • Enjoy times of celebration, prayer, worship, powerful teaching, and fellowship with around 200 Steiger leaders and missionaries from all over the world.
  • Hear incredible stories firsthand of what God has done throughout the mission over the last year.
  • Listen to fresh vision and direction from Steiger leaders.
  • Connect with our young, dynamic missionaries.
  • Meet with key mission leaders (You will receive a personalized schedules to ensure time with these leaders).
  • Return home on Sunday July 14. 

Transportation and Accommodations:

  • You are responsible for your transportation to and from Europe.
  • We recommend you rent a car.
  • If you do not rent a car, we can help schedule airport pick ups and drop offs from Dresden, Germany (Dresden has the closest airport to Krögis).
  • You are responsible for booking your own accommodation.
  • We recommend that you book at the Park Hotel in Meissen, Germany, but there are many great options there.
Please contact Alexia Carlson at  if you are interested in participating in this Vision Trip.

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