By Super User on Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Category: Impact Trips Past

California, USA

April 17-21, 2024

Our team of radical "Jesus followers" will be at one of the biggest and most secular music festivals in the US – Coachella!

Throughout the duration of the festival, over 500,000 young people will fill the Southern California desert, looking for entertainment and trying to escape from normal life. From live music, to fashion, to drugs - it’s all there. Everyone is looking for meaning, belonging, and authentic experiences. 

In festivals like these people are super open. It's a great opportunity to build relationships and use creative projects to relevantly share the only thing in life that truly satisfies: Jesus.

Join us as we boldly and creatively share the Gospel!

What to Expect:

Trip Cost: 

The total cost for the Impact Trip is $2,000. It includes entrance fees into the festival, our team’s campsites, and transportation to and from the festival. It does not include meals (except breakfast, which is included), and any travel expenses to and from your home country/city (you'll need to make those travel arrangements on your own).

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