Gen Z Needs Jesus


Millions of young people around the world will not step foot into a church.

This is not just a trend or statistics; these are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, and co-workers. As followers of Jesus, it’s clear we need to respond… but how?

Steiger mobilizes followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church.

Our vision is to raise up a radical missionary movement that will transform the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. 

We accomplish this by: 



You are invited to invest in Steiger’s “Global Missionary Movement” campaign.

By God’s power, the funding will help us accomplish the following in 2024:

  • Mobilize 10,000 young believers to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture
  • Train 200 young dynamic leaders at the Steiger Missions School
  • Establish and run long-term teams (MVMTs and City Teams) in 150 cities around the world 
  • Engage in dynamic frontline evangelism reaching 100,000 people leading to 10,000 discipleship event attendees 
  • Train the Church through 40,000 live training attendees and 300,000 resource engagements

The budget for 2024 is estimated at $4.5 million.  

Our goal is to raise $775,000 by the end of the year to launch our 2024 campaign and fuel our growth goals listed above.

Would you prayerfully consider making a one time year-end gift and/or making a monthly gift?

Man standing over a small board
Concert open air
Group of people praying for a person
Two men hugging

$261,922 raised of $775,000



To help illustrate how our budget is broken down, below are some example of how our funding was used in 2023: 

  • $40,000 funded 20 impact events in Europe that mobilized 2,000 young people into action.

  • $85,000 funded scholarships to train 161 dynamic young leaders from 38 countries at the Steiger Missions Schools in 2023.

  • $52,800 funded a No Longer Music tour of Colombia tour that reached approximately 10,700 people leading to long-term multiplication impact.

  • The average annual cost of a city team is $50,000. The Steiger City Team in Bogotá, Colombia was able to reach 3,264 with the Gospel and 2,162 discipleship event attendees this year.

  • $45,000 funded the Steiger Media Team to produce the Jesus in the Secular World video series that has had 206,708 engagements since it was released on September 18, 2020.

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